Author Archives: KajiokaLawAdmin

Criminal Defense; Probable & Reasonable Cause Legal Definition, Circumstantial Evidence & More

A few tenets need to be understood before we begin. First is the difference in the missions and priorities between local, here meaning municipal police or county sheriff’s office, and federal investigative authorities mission priorities. Local law enforcement is tactical law enforcement, while at the federal level you have the strategic initiative. Local police and…

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Involuntary Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in Las Vegas, NV; Objecting to, Requirements & Ch. 7 Liquidation

Has your business been forced into an involuntary bankruptcy? You may be wondering what this could mean for your company and if you need legal help. When a company is faced with an involuntary bankruptcy, this could mean a complete liquidation of your company’s assets. This is why Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law will…

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Statute & Punishment for Embezzlement White Collar Crime Charges in Las Vegas, NV

There are several crimes that are categorized as a White Collar Crime. Fraud, Tax Evasion, Embezzlement, and Money Laundering are some of the most common offences committed that are considered White Collar Crimes. Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law will define Embezzlement and the punishment involved with this white Collar Crime. State of Nevada Legal…

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Charged with Leaving Children Unattended in a Hot Vehicle in Las Vegas, NV this Summer?

Most agree that the weather in Las Vegas is ideal except the 2-3 months of intense heat the summers provide. Infamous for climbing into 3-digit temperatures, leaving children in a vehicle without any running air conditioning has proven fatal over and over again. Because of the scorching heat, Nevada Legislature passed the 2005 law that…

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Direct VS Circumstantial Evidence to Determine Guilt or Innocence in Las Vegas, NV

In television shows and movies, circumstantial evidence is usually boo-hoo’d as near nothing while direct evidence is portrayed as damning. Inference is the key as circumstantial evidence relies on inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact. In effect, circumstantial evidence allows for more than one interpretation and explanation of fact. All forensic evidence…

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