Reviews can help you make it or break it when it comes to your business. People like to write a review especially when they are upset or had a bad experience. The reality is when people look up businesses, they are looking to see what others have said about the business. If the reviews are good they will go to your business, if the reviews don’t look good then they will skip over it. Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law is here to help you understand and learn a little bit about how to help you avoid bad reviews. But when a bad review comes, they can help you understand what you should do about it.
Keep Your Customers Happy
A lost customer is more likely to leave a negative review than a current one. If you keep your customers happy, they will be less likely to speak ill of your business. The phrase “the customer is always right” will help keep your customers happy. If your customer is happy because they feel like they are listened to, helped out, and got what they needed to be done, then they will come back and you won’t lose a customer.
Ask for Positive Feedback & Reviews
If you have a happy customer then they will want to share the good news. Often it is by word of mouth if someone likes a place. But the majority of people will also lookup online to find a business that they want to use for the service they are looking for. When they have found a place they want to use, then they will go to the reviews and see what customers have to say. If you want positive reviews, make it easy for the customers to leave one. Generate positive reviews by asking happy customers and clients to leave a positive review. Then you can text or email them a direct link to make it easier for them to do it right then. If it is easy there is a better chance they will leave a good review for you.
What Should a Business Post on Social Media?
People are constantly on social media. Make sure you have a social media account and communicate on social media. Post all the good things your company is doing. Post the sales, the giveaways, and anything that is exciting. Constantly post positive things that will draw people into your business. If people see good things on social media then they will want to come and check it out.
Respond Professionally to Bad Reviews
When you get a review (even if it is a bad one) you should respond professionally to all online reviews. Do not argue! When you argue then you are just lighting a fire and it will cause more bad reviews and bad publicity. When others read argumentative responses from a business, they may be led to believe that you do not care about the customer experience.
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If your business has been injured, in profits or reputation, because of the publication of false statements online, you may be able to sue the commentator for defamation. Kajoika & Associates Attorneys At Law help businesses defend their reputation by pushing back against online trolls.