Once you’re involved in an automobile accident there are a few things you will want to do in the event the other driver or drivers take the matter to court and prepare to sue you. Certain actions or neglected steps can cause problems with the insurance company and if it goes to court issues may occur in the court room. Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law will cover what to do when involved in an accident in the event that it goes to court.
Steps to Take After a Car Accident
If you were part of an automobile accident or collision, you will want to take all the proper steps. Often the accident leads to personal injury lawsuits either filed by you or others involved in the accident. After you were involved in an automobile accident, follow these essential steps:
1. Never leave the scene of the accident. Even if the accident is minor and hardly any damage to the vehicle occurred with no noticeable injuries, stay at the scene until the accident is resolved.
2. Call law enforcement and report the accident. They will provide a report of the accident and in many cases evaluate the scene and include it in their report. Additionally, vehicles shouldn’t be moved until law enforcement arrives unless it is obstructing traffic.
3. Most people carry phones with the ability to take photos. Begin taking picture of all of the vehicles involved in the accident to provide photographic documentation of all damage. Do this before any of the vehicles are moved. Also take pictures of any visible injuries such as bruises or red swelling areas, cuts or burns.
4. When police arrive, give an accurate report of what occurred. Never guess or answer a question you don’t know the answer to. If possible, begin writing down the events as soon as possible.
5. Exchange information with other drivers. Keep in mind the police will ask for information from all the drivers involved in the accident. Insurance cards, driver license numbers, and vehicle registration are some of the important information. The law enforcement officer will record all the information as well. You can request a copy of his report later.
6. After you’re done at the scene of the accident, make sure to report the accident to your insurance company. Also, report any injuries that occurred. You may have medical benefits as part of your coverage.
7. If you received an injury during that collision make sure to seek medical attention. Even if you believe the injuries are minor, they may become severe as time passes. Adrenalin can numb injuries and even broken bones may not be noticed until the adrenalin wears off. You don’t want long term damage to develop.
Personal Injury Lawyers & Attorneys in Greater Las Vegas, Nevada
When involved in an accident, you may need the help of a personal injury lawyer to help you as you recover. Others may attempt to sue you or your insurance company. In any situation contact Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law. By following the above listed steps, we can help protect you and aid you should you need to go to court.