Are you a very safe and cautious driver? Have you ever been in a car accident? When it is your first car accident you probably have no idea what you are supposed to do. And why would you, you have never experienced this before. Because this is new to you let Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law give you a few insights on what you should do if the day comes that you get in a car accident.
Collect Details After a Car Accident
If you get into a car accident never leave the scene even if it is a minor one. You will want to make sure you gather the evidence. Make sure you know exactly what happened, take pictures of the scene for better evidence. You will want to get each other’s information which includes, name, phone number, license plate number, insurance, and registration information. If you can still drive your car, you will want to move both cars to the side of the road. This is for your safety and to not cause traffic by people trying to drive around you.
Inform Insurance & Police
Make sure you notify your insurance company and file a police report. These are both very important things to do. If you were involved in an accident where there was an injury, death, or damage over $750, Nevada law requires you to file a police report. If the police were called to the scene, you do not have to file a police report on your own because the police will create the report when they are at the scene. If they are not at the scene this report must be done within ten days of the accident.
Seek Medical Attention
When you are in an accident you will want to seek medical treatment. Even if you aren’t experiencing any symptoms of an injury. Often when an accident happens your body won’t realize there is a problem because of the adrenaline running through your body. When this happens your body may be compensating for an injury. If you go seek medical attention then you will find out what is going on and be able to document if there are any injuries.
Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
When injured in a car accident you should contact a personal injury attorney like Kajioka to get the compensation you deserve. If you are unsure what you deserve or feel like you are not getting what you deserve, then contacting an attorney can help you solve that problem. Have the attorney do the work for you to figure out what you deserve.
Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Business Attorneys & More in Greater Las Vegas, Nevada
Getting in a car accident isn’t something that anyone wants to have happen to them. But when it does you want to make sure you do everything you need to do so that you get what you deserve. You don’t want to miss doing a step at the scene that should have been done. Kajioka & Associates Attorneys At Law is here to help you when you have been in an accident and need help.