No one wants to find themselves on the sex offenders list. This list is what many parents will use to choose their most desired neighborhood, and when people find out you are on that list, there is an instant judgement that is made. There are definitely times the judgement has merit, but many people don’t understand the violations that land people on this list are not always large crimes. Kajioka & Associates Attorneys at Law is here to talk about some of the violations that you may not realize will end up putting your name on the registered sex offenders list.
Current Sex Offender Registry
There is a system that helps to classify the crimes that are committed by those on the sex offender registry. There are three different tiers that offenders are placed on to show the severity of the crime they committed. We would like to help you differentiate between the three tiers.
Tier 1: Crimes That Involve an Element of Sexual Contact or Sexual Acts
If you are a first time offender, you would first be placed on tier 1 of the sex offender registry. Some of the crimes committed by those in this list include:
– Possession of Child Pornography
– Impersonating a Minor
– Video Voyeurism of a Minor
– Traveling with the intent to engage in illicit conduct or facilitating the travel of someone else
– Transmitting information about a minor to further engage in sexual misconduct
Tier 2: Crimes That Have Been Committed By a Person That is Already on Tier 1
Usually if you have engaged in crimes that has landed you on Tier 1, when you commit another crime and are convicted, it will put your name on Tier 2. These crimes are even more involved than the crimes that are listed above and may include:
– Producing and/or Distributing Child Pornography
– Sex Trafficking or Prostitution of a Minor
– Enticing a minor to engage in sexual activity
– Engaging in sexual activity with a 16 or 17 year old even if it is not forced
Tier 3: Those Convicted of a Sexual Crime & Their Name is on Tier 2
This is the most severe tier found on the sex offender registry. These people have already committed other sexual crimes and taken them a step further. Some of the crimes that would put your name on Tier 3 would include:
– Sexual abuse of a minor
– Sexual contact with a minor under the age of 13
– Aggravated sexual abuse
– Non-parent kidnapping of a minor
Criminal Defense, Personal Injury, Business Attorneys & More in Greater Las Vegas, Nevada
If you are looking for an attorney to help you battle against someone who has taken advantage of you, Kajioka & Associates Attorneys at Law can help. If you need legal assistance, we will give you the representation that you need for justice to be served. Call us today!