Category Archives: Uncategorized

Criminal Defense FAQ; Do All Cases Go to Trial? Difference Between Misdemeanor VS Felony, Parole VS Probation & More

At Kajioka and Associates, Attorneys at Law, we know that when it comes to understanding the criminal defense aspect, there are many questions. We have taken the frequently asked questions and answered the most common among them at this time. If you notice your question or questions were not answered here today, contact us to…

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Is Corporal Punishment Legal in Nevada? Are Parents & Schools Allowed to Physically Discipline or Hit Children?

Parents are permitted to use reasonable corporal punishment, like spanking, on their children with Nevada law. However, the parent can face criminal charges for child abuse (NRS 200.508) if the punishment causes physical or mental injury. Today, we at Kajioka & Associates, Attorneys at Law would like to discuss Nevada Corporal Punishment Law. What Corporal…

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What is a Corporate Divorce in Las Vegas, NV? What is the Right Way to Break Up with a Business Partner & More

Corporations splitting up and going their separate ways is not an uncommon event. Whether they may just make a clean break from one another, or one company possibly buys out the other, separation is a usual occurrence in the corporate world. In order for the separation process to be as smooth as possible, there are…

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